Main character name: Aerist
Character class: Priest
Character race: Nelf!
Character level: 70
Character spec: Shadow
Character tradeskill professions and levels: Tailoring - 360
Mining - 180
Character heroic keys and attunements: Attuned to Karazhan, although i lack heroic keys at the moment, my old guild was very hard to get a group within, so i had to attempt to PUG all of the instances .
High level non trainable spells/abilities learned: Fort
Total /played time: 60 Days
/played time at level 70: 14 Days
Notable factions and their level: Sadly.... none really. Im honoured with most outland forces.
Armory link (or CTprofile if you wish to show different gear)
Previous guild(s): Fides Invictus
Name, class and level of Alternate character(s): Cant say, i like to keep my characters seperate
Reasons why you would like to join: I am hoping to raid Hardcore again, and as Fides began to deterioate i decided it wasnt for me. So now i remain guildless and am currently searching for a good raiding guild. I always put in 120% effort and nothing less.
Were all of the above characters levelled by you from the start?: Yes, wouldnt have it any other way
Your real age: 17