
Do you want to join AGPG? Here's the place...

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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:46 pm


Postby sjeffurie » Mon Oct 21, 2013 11:15 pm

1 - What is the name of your character?

2 - Has your character always had this name? If not, explain why.

3 - What is your character's class?

4 - What is your total time played with this character and what is your time played with this character at your current level? *
3 days 13 hours 23 minutes ; 3 hours 21 minutes 52 seconds

5 - Do you want to apply for a raiding spot or a social spot?**

6 - What is your character's primairy talent spec? (in numbers, example 2/48/11) Why did you choose this spec?
My primary talent spec is Demonology, because i compared the other specs, and this seem to be the most useful

7 - What kind of experience do you have with other talent specs on this character?
No much, after i've stopped WOW 4 years ago i haven't had much experience with other specs

8 - Please link your armorypage url (with your primairy item kit if possible)
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/t ... pie/simple

9 - Why do you use this item kit?

10 - Which of the items you use have the highest priority to be replaced and with what?
Wrist band, it's a too low level, but i haven't encountered anything with high enough intellect to replace it with

11 - Do you have any other items/kits that might be useful?
Nothing that i can think of

12 - What kind of guild do you think AG Praetorian Guard is?
From what i've heard it's mostly a social guild,

13 - Describe the role of your class/spec in raids and its mechanics. Be as precise as you can. Show us you know your class inside-out. (example: spelldamage coeffcients, need of particular stats or attributes)
(those applying for a social spot may skip this question and the next 2 if they want and continue with question 16)

14 - How do you prepare for raids?

15 - What is your raiding experience in Azeroth, Outland and Northrend?

16 - Why do you want to get into AG Praetorian Guard?
APGP sounds like a fun guild with a lot of pleasant people, plus i know 3 people in real life (Arius, Seno and Vivi

17 - Why would we want you in AG Praetorian Guard?
I'm a flexible guy, if you need help i'm always willing to drop my current quests and help you out, plus i want to level , that's also a plus for the guild level itself

18 - On which days of the week are you able to attend raids?

19 - We use TeamSpeak during our raids. Are you familiar with TS or Ventrillo and do you actually use it? (Talking aswell as listening)
I'm familiar with TS

20 - Which other guilds have you been in in the past? (please name them all)

21 - What are your alternate characters? (please add class, spec and level)
Baldacci, lvl 6 Dranei Warrior

22 - Which of your alts would you be willing to make your main in AG Praetorian Guard, in case we can only offer that particular class/spec a raiding spot and not the one your applying with? Also mention if you are willing to respec yes or no and with which character.
(those applying for a social spot may skip this question if they want and continue with question 23)

23 - Did you level all your characters from the start yourself?

24 - What is your real life age?

25 - OPTIONAL; Any other info you want to share with us concerning your application or yourself?
My name is Jeffrey, i live in the Netherlands, 26 years old, hobby's; games (fighting games ; Street Fighter, DOA, CvsSnk2, UMvsC3, etc) movies, tv shows, music, guitar (acoustic, electric, bass),

If you want to know just ask :)

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Postby Merlins » Tue Oct 22, 2013 8:54 am

Hello hopiedope,

Thanks for taking your time to fill in the application form and thus showing interest in joining AG Praetorian Guard. Since you are a real life friend of a few of our current members you are most definitly welcome to join. Please contact any of the following for an invite:

Hayek, icta, verity, merlins. We might be on an alt so asking a random agpg member if any officer/veteran/gm is online should work.

See you ingame,

If I Was In WW2 They'd Call Me Spitfire

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