Info regarding applications - with sample template.

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Info regarding applications - with sample template.

Postby Hayek » Wed Aug 21, 2013 12:23 pm

This is our recruitment thread. Thank you for stopping by!

If you want to post an application

Please read through this post carefully. We’re not trying to make things difficult and we want to help you present yourself in the best light. Your application is quite possibly your only opportunity to make a good impression on us, and it really does make a difference if you take your time and can demonstrate you have understood what we are asking for.

Who are we?

AG Praetorian Guard was one of the first World of Warcraft guilds on the European Turalyon server. The guild’s origins can be traced back to a group of people who became friends playing on the beta test version of the game before it went retail. We are now one of the largest and, we hope, most respected Alliance guilds on the server. This forum is the centre of most guild related planning and discussion.

What is the status of AGPG recruitment at the moment?

Whatever the recruitment status, we are always happy to talk to anyone of any class and level who is interested in joining us. Where we do not have space now, we are happy to take note of your interest anyway for future reference.

What are we looking for?

Like all guilds tackling end game content, we need any applicants to be competent players who are willing to learn, to listen, and to adopt to our tactics. This is not a military style operation - we’re here for fun above all else - but a level of organisation is needed to make progress and we need mature (though not necessarily old!) people who can be focussed. Above all else, however, we are looking for people who fit in to our digital family. Have a look through this board and click on a few posts at random that catch your eye and you will get a feel for this guild and the attitude and camaraderie between the members. That is what we’re looking to preserve. This is a great guild to be in!

We are constantly looking to make progress. Sometimes that can mean repeatedly wiping at a new encounter until we have mastered it. We need our members to have the patience to stick with us through these learning experiences, to be even tempered in the face of these setbacks, to have the funds to pay for enchants, flasks and repairs, and to put in time for the guild on occasions rather than for personal gain.

What happens to my application?

Your application to the guild will be looked over by the officers and our GM. We have ties to a lot of other guilds and characters on this server so it may be that we know of you already. Please make sure your application is accurate. We should be grateful if you would take a little time preparing it as initially it will be all we have to go on. Since we have jobs / college commitments etc we are rarely in a position to respond immediately to any application. Please be patient! No application is ever ignored. You do not know who the GM/officers are, yet want to get in touch ingame with one of 'em? Type /who AG Prae in the WoW chat window. This will show you a list of all AG Praetorian Guard members currently only. You can ask any of them for an officer or the GM. Officers and the GM have alts too, so they might be online on those. So even if you do know our main characternames, this trick can come in handy!

What kind of a guild is AGPG?

Although we are a raiding guild with a lot of ambitious and dedicated members who are focussed on seeing end game content, that is not all that we are. Some of our most established members have no intentions of raiding with us but our guild is all the better for their presence. We make a distinction between Socials and Raiders. That doesn't mean however that Socials never raid. Should we be in need of their assistance raidingwise and their gear and they themselves are up for it, they are very welcome to help out.


All new members are given a brief Initiate rank. It lets you get to know us, and us you and is usually no less than 6 weeks. If things don’t work out for whatever reason, an initiate may be invited to leave (and indeed if we are not what the initiate is looking for they may wish to leave with our blessing).

After the brief trial period the initiate is promoted to member. Like all guilds experiencing end game content we have rules governing loot distribution and rolling which are available elsewhere on these boards. In brief, any player is only eligible for one primary spec item and one off-spec item per (official) raid.

We use our initiate rank quite liberally. Please do not automatically assume that every initiate becomes a member (though we always hope that they will!).

Good luck, and thank you for your interest in our guild.

Sample application template:-

Please use the following template to apply for a spot within AG Praetorian Guard, the oldest active guild on Turalyon(EU). You can copy/paste this template into your application thread.

- Are you applying for a Raiding- or Social spot?

- What is your main character's name, class, primary spec and secondary spec? (Raiding spot applicants please also include link to armorypage)

- What are your alternate max level character's names? (Raiding spot applicants please also include link to armorypage)

- How would you describe yourself as a player?

- How much do you play normally? (Raiding spot applicants please state if you can't play certain nights)

- What do you hope to find within AG Praetorian Guard?

- Who in AG Praetorian Guard do you know already?

- Please tell us about your best experience(s) playing WoW

- Anything else you want to tell or ask us goes here

Good luck! :D
A Polar explorer needs 5000 calories a day.
- Also when driving to the pole in a sheltered car?
Let's be safe.

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