Shiron/Syaran/Bunch more alts wants to come back ^ ^

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Shiron/Syaran/Bunch more alts wants to come back ^ ^

Postby Shiron » Sun Jul 14, 2013 9:15 pm

1 - What is the name of your character?


2 - Has your character always had this name? If not, explain why.

Yep. I've renamed most of my alts in the process though, for aesthetic reasons.

3 - What is your character's class?

Shaman (Enhancement/Resto atm)

4 - What is your total time played with this character and what is your time played with this character at your current level?

64 days on this character, still leveling her to 90.

5 - Do you want to apply for a raiding spot or a social spot?

A bit of both really. At the moment I'm just looking to play with friendly people but knowing myself, I'll want to raid every now and then. I fully understand that someone in such a position probably wont get a high priority on raidspots and that's fine with me.

6 - What is your character's primary talent spec?

This is a bit of an old question isn't it? Regardless, I change my talents to suit the occasion, I usually follow the logic from

7 - What kind of experience do you have with other talent specs on this character?

I've raided as both Enhancement and Restoration throughout the second half of WotLK and parts of Cataclysm.

8 - Please link your armorypage url (with your primairy item kit if possible) ... ron/simple

9 - Why do you use this item kit?

At the moment I'm still leveling the Shammy, in general I tend to look to theorycrafting websites for ideas and base my gear off of what they suggest.

10 - Which of the items you use have the highest priority to be replaced and with what?

In general, I would say the most important items for any dps class are weapons and trinkets.

11 - Do you have any other items/kits that might be useful?

Not yet, but I intend to grab a healing kit as well.

12 - What kind of guild do you think AG Praetorian Guard is?

A friendly bunch of people that likes to play the game without too much drama. I know you're not a hardcore raiding guild but you're not a complete bunch of slackers either ;)

13 - Describe the role of your class/spec in raids and its mechanics. Be as precise as you can. Show us you know your class inside-out.

Although I've had plenty of experience in the past, I've not looked deeply into the changes of MoP yet so this is not as easy to answer. In general the role of an Enhancement shaman is to do DPS, and throw around some heals in case of an emergency. Depending on the circumstances this may be limited to using your maelstrom instant casts on heals, or may require short bursts of full on healing. Generally though, this is to be avoided since you're there to DPS.

14 - How do you prepare for raids?

I bring any and all consumables I may need, as well as things like gems and enchants where possible so that I can immediately start using any upgrades I may get along the way.

15 - What is your raiding experience in Azeroth, Outland and Northrend?

Apart from the second half of Sunwell, I've pretty much done it all in the appropriate expansion.

16 - Why do you want to get into AG Praetorian Guard?

I'm hoping to play with Hekylo/misspoes/noctal/insert alt name here and Chulin/kaylha/insert alt name here since I know them IRL. There may be some other people I know ;).

17 - Why would we want you in AG Praetorian Guard?

I'm a friendly, relaxed, down to earth person who knows this game and likes to play it now and then.

18 - On which days of the week are you able to attend raids?

At the moment I'm still looking for a new job so this is a bit of a hard question to answer right now, but I don't like to work too far away from home so I should have no problems raiding on any evening of the week.

19 - We use TeamSpeak during our raids. Are you familiar with TS or Ventrillo and do you actually use it? (Talking as well as listening)

I'm intimately familiar with TeamSpeak, Ventrilo, Mumble and Skype. I do have a working microphone, it even has decent quality.

20 - Which other guilds have you been in in the past? (please name them all)

If you're truly interested I'd be glad to elaborate but after playing for so many years and on so many servers this has become a bit of a chore...In general I don't leave guilds until they either disband/completely stop raiding or if I feel that I'm not connecting well with the other members for some reason. The first exception to this was when I left you guys, which I did because I wanted to try and set up a new raiding guild with IRL friends (Atonement, you probably know the story).

21 - What are your alternate characters? (please add class, spec and level)

At lvl 90 I currently have my Mage Entyra, Paladin Suguha and warrior Syaran. Apart from those I have an 85 Rogue (Senjogahara) and an 85 priest (Selan). The rest are all lower levels, but I have one of every class, (Altoholic much? ;) )

22 - Which of your alts would you be willing to make your main in AG Praetorian Guard?

I'd be willing to play my Paladin as a main in either Holy or Retri spec but I don't have much experience with them yet. I haven't touched my warrior much since a few weeks after leveling her to 90, I've mainly played my Mage this expansion but I'm not enjoying that class as much anymore.

23 - Did you level all your characters from the start yourself?

I've never had any third parties level any of my characters although I did use recruit-a-friend to grant some levels here and there.

24 - What is your real life age?

26 years old as of last friday.


As I mentioned, I've been in the guild before. I stopped playing WoW some time ago and afterwards, Atonement moved to Silvermoon and I have no intention of following them as I have way too much time invested into the characters on this server.

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Postby Merlins » Sun Jul 14, 2013 10:06 pm

Thanks for your application! We have a policy that allows all friends of guildies into the welcome onboard!
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Postby Shiron » Sun Jul 14, 2013 10:11 pm

Good to be back :D

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