Nelitia - Arms/Fury Warrior

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Nelitia - Arms/Fury Warrior

Postby Nelitia » Sat Jul 16, 2011 1:44 pm

1 - What is the name of your character?

2 - Has your character always had this name? If not, explain why.
It has never changed.

3 - What is your character's class?

4 - What is your total time played with this character and what is your time played with this character at your current level? *
97 days total time and 19 days played at 85.

5 - Do you want to apply for a raiding spot or a social spot?**
Raiding spot.

6 - What is your character's primairy talent spec? (in numbers, example 2/48/11) Why did you choose this spec?
Fury - 8/31/2
Arms - 31/8/2

7 - What kind of experience do you have with other talent specs on this character?
(those applying for a social spot may skip this question if they want and continue with question 8 )

Well, I started playing Arms a while back due to my Protection spec never being used, I found it to be rather good, but I recently switched back to my main spec of Fury.

I do have a second warrior at level 82 which is Protection specced.

8 - Please link your armorypage url (with your primairy item kit if possible) ... tia/simple

9 - Why do you use this item kit?
(those applying for a social spot may skip this question and the next 2 if they want and continue with question 12)

I use this kit because most of it has crit, the mastery has been reforged for hit as the prime stats for Fury to me are Hit > Expertise > Crit > Mastery.

10 - Which of the items you use have the highest priority to be replaced and with what?
Current - Skullpiercer Pauldrons
Preffered - Pauldrons of the Great Ettin
Reason - They have the same type of stats as my current ones and the blue socket would be good for extra hit+str gem.

Current - Darkmoon Card: Hurricane
Preffered - Apparatus of Khaz'goroth
Reason - Well, more strength of course and the use function isn't that bad.

Current - Jeklik's Smasher x2
Preffered - Akirus the Worm-Breaker x2
Reason - The expertise would be good to boost my current number and it allows me to switch out my expertise gem in the goggles for hit, also I can reforge the mastery into crit.

11 - Do you have any other items/kits that might be useful?
I have an ungemmed and unenchanted tank set in my bank with a few low level items that need to be upgraded.

12 - What kind of guild do you think AG Praetorian Guard is?
Not much I can say really apart from I know you've been around since classic and you're a decent raiding guild.

13 - Describe the role of your class/spec in raids and its mechanics. Be as precise as you can. Show us you know your class inside-out. (example: spelldamage coeffcients, need of particular stats or attributes)
As a melee dps class, I would have to move about alot on bosses, like moving away from an AoE ability they might have, or interrupting it if I can.

Stats wise, I know what I'm doing (or at least I hope I do :P), I know strength is the primary stat for warrior along with hit and expertise, can't generate much rage if you can't hit anything. Crit is also essential for certain things to trigger, flurry for example.

14 - How do you prepare for raids?
Oh dear, I can be rather absent minded with this sort of thing, but I do watch tactics videos and if I remember, get any flasks I could use.

15 - What is your raiding experience in Azeroth, Outland and Northrend?
Back in classic I played a hunter and progressed through MC and ZG, in TBC I played a warrior (my now lvl82 prot) through KZ and GL and in WOTLK I played my current warrior through all content apart from Yogg'saron.

16 - Why do you want to get into AG Praetorian Guard?
It would be nice to be part of a raiding guild that was started back in classic (as I started playing in early classic :P). I've also heard good things about the guild and seem like a decent raiding group. I would also like to see the game content with competent players.

17 - Why would we want you in AG Praetorian Guard?
Hmmm, tricky question. Well, I could say I learn at a decent pace, couple of tries for me to get to grips with encounters, if I don't understand something I will ask and I'm always up for improving my game.

18 - On which days of the week are you able to attend raids?
(those applying for a social spot may skip this question and the next if they want and continue with question 20)

I can pretty much raid any night though some nights I may be on late or go out.

19 - We use TeamSpeak during our raids. Are you familiar with TS or Ventrillo and do you actually use it? (Talking aswell as listening)
I still have TS3 installed from when I was in my last guild.

20 - Which other guilds have you been in in the past? (please name them all)
Defenders of Defiance, Monkey Madness, Unbreakable Will (I think thats what it was called), Asherons Exiles (I really regret that) and Luctor et Emergo.

21 - What are your alternate characters? (please add class, spec and level)
Larisca - 85 Fire Mage (not raid hit capped)
Ayriauna - 85 Affliction Warlock (again not raid capped)
Saleen - 85 Protection Paladin (more heroic dungeon geared)

22 - Which of your alts would you be willing to make your main in AG Praetorian Guard, in case we can only offer that particular class/spec a raiding spot and not the one your applying with? Also mention if you are willing to respec yes or no and with which character.
(those applying for a social spot may skip this question if they want and continue with question 23)

Guess that would have to be Larisca, only trouble I have with Fire spec is it is very crit reliant and she isn't hit capped for raids.

23 - Did you level all your characters from the start yourself?
I did.

24 - What is your real life age?

25 - OPTIONAL; Any other info you want to share with us concerning your application or yourself?
I am currently on summer vacation from college and will be starting my 2nd year in September, so preparing for raids at that point might be rather difficult.[/i]

Posts: 4899
Joined: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:44 pm

Postby Hayek » Sat Jul 16, 2011 2:05 pm

Hi Nelita,

Thanks for your interest in AGPG! We'll get back to you with an answer ASAP, at any rate before the weekend.
A Polar explorer needs 5000 calories a day.
- Also when driving to the pole in a sheltered car?
Let's be safe.

Posts: 4899
Joined: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:44 pm

Postby Hayek » Sat Jul 16, 2011 5:43 pm

Welcome onboard!
A Polar explorer needs 5000 calories a day.

- Also when driving to the pole in a sheltered car?

Let's be safe.

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