Obscurepower - Assassination Rogue

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Obscurepower - Assassination Rogue

Postby obscurepower » Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:04 pm

Hello AG Praetorian Guard, my name is Matteo and I am 23 years old italian boy. Yesterday i talked in game with Doomglazer and he gave me your site to write my application! ;-)

1 - What is the name of your character?

2 - Has your character always had this name? If not, explain why.

3 - What is your character's class?
Assassination Rogue

4 - What is your total time played with this character and what is your time played with this character at your current level? *
Obscurepower lv85 assassination rogue - 40 days and 15 hours
Blackdevil lv80 retribution paladin - 56 days and 5 hours

5 - Do you want to apply for a raiding spot or a social spot?**
I just told to Doomglazer my thinking way, 1st of all the guild should be social and I will be social too, looging in wow should be a pleasure because I have got a lot of digital friend to speak with. The guild should also organizes raids and they must be in a serious way but all should have fun! According to me this is wow spirit, everyone should have fun, everyone should help guldies who needs and everyone should raid.

6 - What is your character's primairy talent spec? (in numbers, example 2/48/11) Why did you choose this spec?
Obscurepower Assassination Rogue - 31/02/08

7 - What kind of experience do you have with other talent specs on this character?
(those applying for a social spot may skip this question if they want and continue with question 8 )
In WoTLK I have been a combat rogue so I know assassination and combat talents very well in fact i can split theme if needed.

8 - Please link your armorypage url (with your primairy item kit if possible)
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/t ... wer/simple

9 - Why do you use this item kit?
(those applying for a social spot may skip this question and the next 2 if they want and continue with question 12)
Because it is the best equipment that I have been able to provide to max my dps in raid using assassination talents. (of course my equipment should be improved!)

10 - Which of the items you use have the highest priority to be replaced and with what?
My 2 daggers... :-(
11 - Do you have any other items/kits that might be useful?
I have got some pvp items but they are not useful to do raids.

12 - What kind of guild do you think AG Praetorian Guard is?
Doomglazer told me that your guild is very social and it is very important to me because I want to have fun playing wow with all guild's people but Praetorian Guard is also a honorable guild so it must raid very well for Praetorian Guard's proud! ;-)

13 - Describe the role of your class/spec in raids and its mechanics. Be as precise as you can. Show us you know your class inside-out. (example: spelldamage coeffcients, need of particular stats or attributes)
(those applying for a social spot may skip this question and the next 2 if they want and continue with question 16)
I am an assassination rogue so poison is very important for me and I should focus on it, I will explain now my rotation on boss because the rotation on trash could be different. (ofc my dagger must be poisoned and my thrown too with deadly and instant posione). My open move is garrote causing 6028 damage over 18 sec, when i have got enought combo point I use Rupter then slide and dice, now my target should be poisioned so I will Envenom and Shiv! I am a leather holder so I must check my life every time, if I have got low life I should go away from boss and use bandages or Rogue's Draghts (Rogues must have everytime bandages)

14 - How do you prepare for raids?
I reapair my equipment, I create/buy food and I buy flask. If needed I will study tactics on guild site.

15 - What is your raiding experience in Azeroth, Outland and Northrend?
Cataclysm: BH, BoT and Bwd (fireland only trash run to improve reputation)

16 - Why do you want to get into AG Praetorian Guard?
because AG Praetorian Guard is a social guild and it is very important for me, I am sure I will find a lot of digital friends. Your guild also is on of the most important guild in Turalyon and I will be honored to join you.

17 - Why would we want you in AG Praetorian Guard?
Because I am an experienced player, I am social and I am ready to learn if needed!

18 - On which days of the week are you able to attend raids?
(those applying for a social spot may skip this question and the next if they want and continue with question 20) Tue, Wed, Sun (those are my preferred days).

19 - We use TeamSpeak during our raids. Are you familiar with TS or Ventrillo and do you actually use it? (Talking aswell as listening)
Yes I use TS3 and I am able to understand and speak very well.

20 - Which other guilds have you been in in the past? (please name them all)
-Sun Tzu

I stopped playing wow for more then 1 years because I studied hard to finish university so I do not remember the name of my previous guild!

21 - What are your alternate characters? (please add class, spec and level)
Blackdevil - lv89 retribution paladin

22 - Which of your alts would you be willing to make your main in AG Praetorian Guard, in case we can only offer that particular class/spec a raiding spot and not the one your applying with? Also mention if you are willing to respec yes or no and with which character.
(those applying for a social spot may skip this question if they want and continue with question 23)

Only my rogue is lv 85 so...

23 - Did you level all your characters from the start yourself?

Yes ofc, I started playing wow a lot of year ago!!

24 - What is your real life age?

23 years old

25 - OPTIONAL; Any other info you want to share with us concerning your application or yourself?

I hope I will have honor to join to one of the most important guild of Turalyon server!! :-)

Thank you for taking your time to apply to AG Praetorian Guard!

Posts: 2356
Joined: Wed Oct 04, 2006 12:07 am
Location: Netherlands

Postby Aygo » Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:09 pm

Thank you for taking the time to apply to our guild.
I'll forward your application to the officer's forum where we'll discuss it.

We'll get back to you shortly.

Posts: 2356
Joined: Wed Oct 04, 2006 12:07 am
Location: Netherlands

Postby Aygo » Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:19 am


We've decided to grant you a trial to see if you would fit in with us.
Please talk to an officer ingame to get your invite.


Postby obscurepower » Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:53 pm

Thank you very much for the possibility that you give me, tonight I will say goodbye to all my old guild's friends and tomorrow I will contact an officer! :-)

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