Holy Paladin Application - Tyriel

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Holy Paladin Application - Tyriel

Postby Neliel » Fri Oct 01, 2010 4:18 pm

As with Deímos' application, I am posting this on behalf of Tyriel. A friend of mine who's also looking at transferring to Turalyon.

1 - What is the name of your character?
Tyriel, might have to change it once I switch realm though.

2 - Has your character always had this name? If not, explain why.
It was called Illuniel at first but due to a server switch I had to rename it.

3 - What is your character's class?

4 - What is your total time played with this character and what is your time played with this character at your current level? *
Total time played 8 days 6 hours 5 min and 45 sec
Level 80 2 days 6 hours 43 min and 35 sec

5 - Do you want to apply for a raiding spot or a social spot?**
I would like to apply to both.

6 - What is your character's primairy talent spec? (in numbers, example 2/48/11) Why did you choose this spec?
My main spec is holy (51/20/0) the reason I use this spec is because it provides more utility for the raid incase im the only paladin in the raid I can provide Improved Devotion Aura or Concentration Aura (or any resistance aura that might be needed) depending on the situation. Imp Righteous Fury gives 6% decreased dmg on myself which is a big buff in raids and even tho it increases threat from holy spells by 80% a tank should have no bigger problem holding off (I can always use Hand of Salvation on myself if my threat rises to high.).

7 - What kind of experience do you have with other talent specs on this character?
(those applying for a social spot may skip this question if they want and continue with question 8 )
I leveled pretty much all the way from level 35 to 80 as protection (instances mainly). I have also played abit as retribution (Currently my offspec).

8 - Please link your armorypage url (with your primairy item kit if possible)
http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... &cn=Tyriel

9 - Why do you use this item kit?
(those applying for a social spot may skip this question and the next 2 if they want and continue with question 12)
It gives me the the ability to heal properly.

10 - Which of the items you use have the highest priority to be replaced and with what?
My trinket (Abyssal Rune). Im soon getting Talisman of Resurgence if all goes well.

11 - Do you have any other items/kits that might be useful?
Im working on both my protection gear and retribution gear, however I cant say they are useful just yet.

12 - What kind of guild do you think AG Praetorian Guard is?
A guild that enjoys having fun with other people.

13 - Describe the role of your class/spec in raids and its mechanics. Be as precise as you can. Show us you know your class inside-out. (example: spelldamage coeffcients, need of particular stats or attributes)
(those applying for a social spot may skip this question and the next 2 if they want and continue with question 16)
Intellect is the most important stat for holy paladins as it gives us a bigger manapool, higher crit, more mana regen from replenish, seal of wisdom and divine plea thus making it easier to heal the tank with holy light as its the most mana demanding healing spell ingame. After that comes haste, a holy paladin should have around 676 haste to reach a 1 second global cooldown on instant spells. After that one can go with either haste for faster heals or crit/mp5 for more regen (mp5 is the better choise when it comes to regen).

14 - How do you prepare for raids?
Make sure im all repaired, bringing pots, flasks making sure im on time. Reading up on tactics.

15 - What is your raiding experience in Azeroth, Outland and Northrend?
In Azeroth I ran ZG, MC, BWL, AQ20, AQ40, Onyxia, Azuregos, Lord Kazzak, 2 or 3 of the emerald dragons (Was a core member in Sanctum and helped them put it all on farm, was there for almost every first kill aswell). In Outland I only did Karazhan. In Northrend Naxx 10, Voa 10/25, Os 10/25, Onxyia 10/25.

16 - Why do you want to get into AG Praetorian Guard?
It seems like a good guild and one of my friends since back in vanilla is a member so it would be fun to get to play with him again like the old days.

17 - Why would we want you in AG Praetorian Guard?
Im a helpful person and a fast learner. I also enjoy a good laugh or two and I can also endure a few wipes.

18 - On which days of the week are you able to attend raids?
(those applying for a social spot may skip this question and the next if they want and continue with question 20)
Can't say any exact days due to my work schedule. But pretty much whenever im free from work.

19 - We use TeamSpeak during our raids. Are you familiar with TS or Ventrillo and do you actually use it? (Talking aswell as listening)
Ive been using TS and vent. Got my own Ts server aswell so im quite familiar with it.

20 - Which other guilds have you been in in the past? (please name them all)
Chimera Genetics

21 - What are your alternate characters? (please add class, spec and level)
Iluniel (Level 80 DK Blood Tank and Frost dps)
Aztheriel (Level 80 Hunter Marksman)
A few chars below level 50.

22 - Which of your alts would you be willing to make your main in AG Praetorian Guard, in case we can only offer that particular class/spec a raiding spot and not the one your applying with? Also mention if you are willing to respec yes or no and with which character.
(those applying for a social spot may skip this question if they want and continue with question 23)
My hunter or dk. Can respec with any char should it be needed.

23 - Did you level all your characters from the start yourself?
Yes. (Well not the dk since blizzard had already leveled it to 55. But after that its all me.)

24 - What is your real life age?
23yo as of august this year.

25 - OPTIONAL; Any other info you want to share with us concerning your application or yourself?
I enjoy to play abit of guitarr on my free time. I also like a good challange.

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Joined: Thu Feb 21, 2008 8:07 pm

Postby Nkhari » Sat Oct 02, 2010 10:27 am

Thanks for the app! I shall forward this to the Officers board. You'll be hearing from us soon :)


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Postby Rooppa » Sat Oct 02, 2010 5:50 pm

Very nicely written app and some very indepth insight into the workings of the pally.

Good luck with your application.

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Joined: Thu Feb 21, 2008 8:07 pm

Postby Nkhari » Sat Oct 02, 2010 9:28 pm

Tyriel, we are pleased to offer you a spot within our guild :) Congrats!

Please speak with myself or one of the other Officers or your invite, welcome to AGPG!

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